Monday, April 15, 2024


1445 H

Daripada :
Mr. Nik Fairuz Hakim Bin Nik Omar
Pengarah Pusat Homeopathy & Akupuntur
Timb. Presiden Persatuan Pengamal Homeopati Berdaftar Malaysia
YDP Pertubuhan Acu-Bekam Malaysia

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Cancer & Homeopathy By Dr Kudiyat



The incidences of Cancer all over the world are increasing. More and more women also are now suffering from cancer of the female specific organs like breast, uterus and ovaries. Breast cancer used to be a disease of the western women. But it is now affecting Asia, mainly among women over the age of 40. But many teenagers are also affected with breast cancer nowadays. Many other diseases are coming out for which the present medical science fails to give explanations. This is the scenario for an innovative and pioneering enquiry into the problems of the science in general and medical science in particular for finding the deficiencies, limitations and incapacities which produces this situation and finding ways for the furtherance of science making it capable to deal with this kind of situations.

As we all know, science is growing by questioning answers and answering questions. Here we are discussing about a new science called “Dynamic Science” introduced by Dr. Shaji V. Kudiyat who is engaged in cancer research for more than a decade. He calls this new science a complete science. The present science is mainly based on materialistic philosophic perspective. All researches limit itself within the small world of materialism. This is the time this innovative physician and researcher had conducted his innovative analysis of cancer disease through the application of inductive-deductive logic, which is very interesting to look into.

Dr. Shaji V. Kudiyat is basically a Homeopathic Physician. So here this doctor treats patients holistically by considering the mental, emotional spiritual and physical planes together in association with the environment the patient lives in. It is a series of reasonable questioning and answering. Let us go through it:

What is cancer? Cancer is abnormal fast multiplication of cells. Who decides the rate of multiplication of cells in a living organism, particularly human beings? It is decided by the genetic information present in the nucleus of the cells especially in the chromosomes in the nucleus. What are chromosomes? Chromosomes are the genetic information carrying instruments which are made of genes. What are genes? Genes are made of DNA. What is DNA? DNA is Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid. It is made of molecules of deoxyribose, phosphoric acid and four nucleic acids called Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine. (Purines and Pyramidines). According to the present scientific knowledge, the sequential arrangement of these 4 nucleic acids carries our genetic information including the rate of multiplication of cells.

Up to this is known to the present science. Dr. Shaji V. Kudiyat is going beyond this using the logical presentation of the current scientific knowledge and also by introducing new scientific hypotheses developed by him. As we continue our logical reasoning - if the sequential arrangement of the nucleic acids carries the genetic information in the DNA, the next question is - who decides the sequential arrangement of nucleic acids in the DNA?

The answer to this question is one of the new hypotheses of Dr. Shaji V. Kudiyat’s Dynamic Science. Before answering the above question, let us find out the difference between a living body and dead body or let us analyze the process of death. We can divide death process into three stages – before, during and after death. There are many organs and material functional ingredients which are functioning in the living body or certain percentage of the organs and other ingredients are functioning if the body is sick. When such a person dies, all the organs and other material functional ingredients which are functioning before death are still present in the dead body, but not capable functioning. This change from the capability of function to incapability of function occurred due to some happenings or changes in the living body during death. What happened during death? Or how we die?

No material organs or ingredients are taken or removed from the body during death. But when we take an EEG (Electro Encephalogram) or an ECG (Electro Cardiogram) which reflects state of energy in the body we can see that there was presence of energy in the brain and heart in the living body where as such energy is absent in the dead body. Ordinary people used to say that “the soul leaves the body during death.” This “energy” which leaves the body during death, which transforms the living body to a dead body, is the one creating and maintaining the living phenomena in any living organism. Ordinary people call this energy as “Soul,” homeopaths call it “Vital Force,” some others call it “Spirit,” etc. Definitely it is an “energy” level entity.

Energy exists in wave form or in vibrational form. Whatever may be the form of existence of energy, each form of energy is distinguished from other forms of energy by three determinants – “frequency, wavelength and amplitude.” Different TV and radio stations broadcast their programs in different frequencies and we tune our TV or radio and select the respective frequency to get into that TV or radio program. In the same way, the living phenomena in a living organism is created and maintained by an energy with a particular frequency, wavelength and amplitude.

Now coming back to our previous question of “who decides the sequential arrangement of nucleic acids in the DNA?” – the new hypothesis of Dynamic Science states that “ the sequence of arrangements of nucleic acids in the DNA that decides everything about a human being including the rate of multiplication of cells is a direct physical expression of the frequency, wavelength and amplitude of the energy, or the vital force or the spirit or the soul that creates and maintains the living phenomena in that person or living organism.” This establishes a connection between vital force or soul and the DNA.
According to Dr. Shaji V. Kudiyat’s Dynamic Science there is one more dynamic entity in a human being called “mind.” Each thought that develop in the mind is an energy vibration or wave with a particular frequency, wavelength and amplitude. So when we allow any kind of thought development in our mind, there exists two energy states in the same medium, which superpose or overlap each other resulting in the alteration or modification of the frequency, wavelength and amplitude of the Vital Force or Soul. This influence can easily understand by studying the theory of resonance and theory of superimposition.

When a vibrating tuning fork resonate its energy to the string of a Sonometer or the modifications of frequency, wavelength and amplitude of two overlaping waves explains the modifications of the frequency, wavelength and amplitude of the Soul or Vital Force by the overlapping of the thought waves that developed in the mind. The Dynamic Scientific hypotheses states that “ the positive, peaceful, happy and comfortable thoughts modify the soul constructively whereas the negative emotional thoughts such as anger, hatred, enmity, depression, fear, anxiety, jealousy, feeling of guilt, worries, etc. resonate or superpose and modify the frequency of the soul destructively. When the frequency, wavelength and amplitude of the soul or vital force is modified constructively (positively) or destructively (negatively), the sequence of arrangement of nucleic acids in the DNA get rearranged accordingly causing a constructive (healthy) or destructive (unhealthy) mutation in the DNA.

Thus the mind plays an important role in the development of either healthy or unhealthy mutations in our body. The above explanations also scientifically establish the relationship between mind, vital force and DNA or the relationship between the dynamic components and physical component in the living organism.

The mutation of the DNA also can be caused by two other routes also. They are (1) through the direct resonation and alteration of the frequency, wavelength and amplitude of the vital force by external radiations like X-rays, cosmic radiations, thoughts of others and any other man made and natural radiations and (2) chemical reactions through the physical body by the toxic or carcinogenic ingredients of the food, drinks and medicines we take and also through the contents of the air we inhale.
Whatever may be the source of the cause of abnormal mutation, we need to identify and remove the maintaining cause from the mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical planes and then need to modify and fix the mental concepts and attitudes to a positive, natural, peaceful, healthy, happy and comfortable level so that the thoughts that develop from such a mind can resonate and superpose the vital force to modify its frequency, wavelength and amplitude which in turn will cause a curative mutation in the DNA.

Why more women suffer from cancer of the female specific organs like breast, uterus and ovaries?
Today’s women suffers more from cancer particularly cancer of the female specific organs like breast, uterus and ovaries. This has something to do with the state of mind of today’s women. They are liberated, decision makers and are tough individuals. “Feminity” is softness and smoothness. Many women are employed today especially in responsible decision making positions and many women are the breadwinner at home also. When women become a decision maker, they lose their feminity (softness and smoothness) and unknowingly become tougher individuals. But the female specific organs can remain healthily only in a soft and smooth environment, find difficulty to survive healthily in the tougher environment. Ultimately such females manifest their toughness in the form of tumors in their female specific organs. When they become aggressively tough, these tumors become malignant, killing them. Even the development of benign tumors makes them abnormal by making them incapable of fulfilling their basic mission as a female. Ex.: A woman with myoma of the uterus may not be able to become pregnant as the myoma acts as a foreign body preventing implantation of the fertilized ovum. This is similar to the situation of a loop deposited inside the uterus for artificial family planning which acts as a foreign body preventing pregnancy. Such tough minded females also develop difficulty in having normal delivery as the tough mind can express the toughness to the body by increasing the muscle tone of the females which in turn prevent the dilatation of the vagina during delivery, causing cesarean.
Dynamic Science has other areas of understanding also. It scientifically defines “God, Man, Matter and Universe.” This science incorporates the dynamic entities like mind and soul or vital force with physical body and thus completes the science. It is expected that the future of the science will be of the “Dynamic Science.”

Friday, March 21, 2014

Kajian kes : Masaalah Buah Pinggang

Nama : Pn Jan
No Rekod : 5350                               Umur : 59 tahun                    Jantina : Perempuan
Tarikh Mula Rawatan : 21 Dec 2013

*21 Dec 2013
Aduan : Mengalami masaalah buah pinggang – dan sakit dada

Ujian Pathology
Tarikh : 19.12.2013
Uric acid – 407 Tinggi
Creatinine – 446 Tinggi
Urea – 21.8 Tinggi
Phospate – 1.77 Tinggi

Rawatan Akupuntur : Hegu, quiche, bahui, ashi pts, weiguan
Ubat Homeopati : Hema (w) 2 x 1 / 56b Lyco (B) 2 x 1 / 56b

*23 Dec 2013
Aduan : Tiada
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan

*26 Dec 2013
Aduan : Pinggang masih sakit lagi
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, Sanyinjiao

*30 Dec 2013
Aduan : Kencing Berbuih
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan
Ubat Homeopati : Puls (w) 2 x 1 / 28b Ars Alb (y) 2 x 1 / 28b

*04 Jan 2014
Aduan : pinggang masih sakit
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi

*07 Jan 2014
Aduan : pinggang ada kurang sakit sikit
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi

*09 Jan 2014
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser

*13 Jan 2014
Aduan : ada sakit bahagian kaki, pinggang sakit juga
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser

*16 Jan 2014
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser

*20 Jan 2014
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser
Ubat Homeopati : lyco (w) 2 x 1 / 28b Apis (b) 2 x 1 / 28b

*27 Jan 2014
Aduan : kaki kiri ada rasa sakit dan bengkak sikit
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser

*28 Jan 2014
Aduan : kaki kiri ada bengkak, dan semalam kuat sikit sakit pinggang
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser

*30 Jan 2014
Aduan : kaki ada sakit sikit
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser

 *04 Feb 2014
Aduan : kaki ada bengkak sikit
Rawatan akupuntur : Hegu, Quichi, Bahui, Ashi pts, Weiguan, taixi
Rawatan Tambahan : Acu Laser
Ubat Homeopati : lyco (w) 2 x 1 / 28b Apis (b) 2 x 1 / 28b
Ujian Pathology
Tarikh : 30.01.2013         Kiraan Asal 19.12.2013                             Pengamatan
Uric acid – 355                   407 Tinggi                            sudah berada di paras normal
Creatinine – 428                  446 Tinggi                            masih tinggi tapi sudah turun 18
Urea – 16.2                         21.8 Tinggi                           masih tinggi tapi sudah turun 5.6

Kesan setelah menjalani rawatan homeopat dan akupuntur  bacaan ujian patologi menampakkan penurunan yang positif dan pesakit bertambah semangat.
Rawatan Akupuntur : 14 kali

Ubat Homeopati : 1 bulan 2 minggu

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cawangan Baru Pusat Homeopathy & Akupuntur Nik Fairuz Nik Omar Kini Dibuka Di Klang Sentral

Kini Pusat Homeopathy & Akupuntur membuka satu lagi cawangan, Kali Ini di Klang Sentral.
Kini Pelanggang kami yang berada disekitar daerah klang seperti Bukit Raja, Meru, Setia Alam, kapar, Puncak Alam, Jeram, Sungai Buluh, Klang Utama, Taman Chempaka, Mutiara Bukit Raja, Kapar Indah, Aman Perdana, Jalan Haji Abdul Manan, Bukit Kerayong, Kg Sungai Sembilan, Kg Dungun, Kg Sungai Janggut, Taman Muhibbah, Kg Sungai Serdang, Kg Tok Muda, Kg Batu Empat, Jln Haji Sirat, Klang Perdana, Kg Rantau Panjang, Taman Raja Udang, Port Klang Dan Kuala Selangor  bolehlah mengunjungi pusat kami di Klang sentral

Alamat Kami :

Pusat Homeopathy & Akupuntur
No 20, Jalan KS 2/KU5
Taman Klang Sentral,
Bukit Raja, Meru
41050 Klang, Selangor
019 - 3288660

Landmark : Stesen Bas Klang Sentral, Mcdonald 24jam

Waktu Operasi
8 Pagi Hingga 7 Petang (Isnin - Sabtu)
8 Pagi Hingga 1 Tengahari (Ahad & Cuti Umum)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Waktu Operasi Pusat Homeopathy & Akupuntur Di Panjangkan

Untuk Makluman Kepada Semua Pelanggang Kami:

Pusat Homeopathy & Akupuntur Shah Alam

Akan Memanjangkan Tempoh Operasi

Daripada 9 Pagi Hingga 10 Malam(Isnin - Sabtu)
9 Pagi Hingga 1 Tenghari(Ahad & Cuti Umum)

Bermula 1 September 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Testimoni - Pesakit Yang Menerima Rawatan

kes buah pinggang 001
tempoh rawatan 6 bulan
'Alhamdulilah setelah Mengambil Ubat Homeopathy Dr Nik, Cretenine saya menurun Daripada 230 kepada 182'
yusof (male) 46 No rekod 5087

kes buah pinggang 002
tempoh rawatan 3 bulan
'sembat di kaki saya sudah hilang setelah mengambil ubat dr nik'
Hasnah (Female) 69 No rekod 5206

kes buah pinggang 003
tempoh rawatan 5 bulan
'Setelah mendapatkan rawatan homeopathy & akupuntur di pusat rawatan dr nik, saya rasa lebih bersemangat, bertenaga dan berkeyakinan'
Saiful (Male) 40 No rekod 5197

kes buah pinggang 004
tempoh rawatan 3 bulan

'saya mula dikesan pengidap masaalah buah pinggang bila melalui ujian darah untuk mendapatkan tempat bekerja disalah sebuah syarikat swasta, dimana paras protein di dalam air kencing ada 3+ Doktor Panel yang bertugas tidak berani memberikan keputusan yang bagus(sesuai untuk bekerja), setelah menjalankan rawatan akupuntur dan homeopathy di pusat perubatan homeopathy & akupuntur Dr Nik Omar di shah alam selama 3 bulan saya sekali lagi menjalani ujian dan mendapati protein dalam air kencing saya kerkurangan kepada 1+ dan Alhamdulilah Doktor panel yang bertugas tadi memberikan keputusan sesuai untuk bekerja dan saya diterima bekerja'
as niz (Male) 33 No rekod 6051

kes buah pinggang 005
tempoh rawatan 10 bulan
'Ubat yang tuan bekalkan 2 bulan lepas sudah habis. keputusan ujian mendapati protein dalam air kencing sudah berkurangan daripada 3+ kepada 2+, saya sangat bersyukur'
mat (male) 46 No rekod 5087

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sengat Tebuan Rawat Pengakit

Sengat tebuan rawat penyakit

HOMEOPATI yang bersifat holistik semakin menjadi pilihan rakyat Malaysia yang mahukan rawatan alternatif.

BAGI individu yang ingin mencuba alternatif perubatan moden, homeopati mungkin satu pilihan yang baik. Perubatan homeopati dikatakan mampu menguatkan daya tahan tubuh untuk melawan penyakit sekali gus menyembuhkan penyakit yang dihidapi sehingga ke akar umbi.
Homeopati merupakan rawatan holistik yang memberi tumpuan lebih kepada pesakit berbanding penyakit yang dihidapi.
Menurut pakar homeopati, Dr. Nik Fairuz Nik Omar yang berpengalaman selama lebih 10 tahun dalam bidang ini, kelebihan rawatan homeopati ialah ubat-ubatan yang digunakan tidak mengandungi bahan toksik dan dadah.
Ini secara tidak langsung menjadikan rawatan itu lebih selamat dan boleh diambil oleh semua golongan tanpa mengira peringkat umur.
Ujarnya, ubat-ubatan yang digunakan bersumberkan tumbuh-tumbuhan, garam galian, haiwan dan sel-sel terpilih.
"Antara tumbuh-tumbuhan yang digunakan ialah bawang putih, bawang merah, bunga matahari dan lada hitam.
"Bagi garam galian pula ia terdiri daripada kapur, magnesium, sulfur dan sebagainya.
"Ubatan bersumberkan haiwan pula ialah dakwat sotong, sengat tebuan, labah-labah dan bisa ular yang mampu merawat penyakit tertentu," katanya sambil menambah, kini perubatan itu juga menggunakan kuasa solar dan laser.
Jelas Nik Fairuz, kaedah rawatan homeopati berfungsi dengan mengenal pasti simptom penyakit iaitu simptom fizikal dan mental.
"Simptom berbentuk fizikal membolehkan penyakit dikenal pasti secara jelas seperti lebam atau kemerah-merahan, bengkak dan mata merah.
"Untuk mental pula, rasa sakit yang mereka alami dan bagaimana mereka menanganinya," ujarnya.
Nik Fairuz memberitahu, semasa merawat pesakit, beliau akan bercakap dengan mereka dan menilai pesakit itu berdasarkan bentuk tubuh, kelakuan dan emosi mereka sebelum memilih penawar mengikut simptom yang wujud.
"Tetapi tidak semestinya semua simptom yang disenaraikan bagi satu-satu penawar adalah pilihan yang tepat, tetapi persamaan gejala sudah memadai untuk membantu doktor memilih penawarnya," katanya.
Ini sekali gus merawat pesakit menerusi proses perangsang tenaga hayat yang wujud secara semula jadi di dalam badan manusia.
Tenaga itu menjadikan tubuh lebih kuat, aktif dan mempunyai keupayaan melawan penyakit di samping mengatur sistem peredaran darah, sistem hormon serta saraf.

"Sebahagian besar pesakit yang mendapatkan rawatan terdiri daripada mereka yang mengalami penyakit yang berkaitan dengan saraf, pinggang, kencing manis, migrain dan demam.
"Tempoh untuk pesakit pulih pula bergantung pada keadaan pesakit selain mengambil ubat mengikut tempoh yang telah ditetapkan," katanya.
Sementara itu, seorang lagi pakar homeopati, Dr. Azman Mohamad memberitahu, rawatan homeopati merupakan salah satu perubatan alternatif bagi mereka yang ingin beralih daripada perubatan moden.
Beliau yang mengusahakan klinik rawatan homeopati selama lebih 10 tahun di Ipoh, Perak mendakwa rawatan tersebut bukan merawat pesakit tetapi membantu memulihkan sistem tubuh seseorang supaya dapat berfungsi dengan lebih optimum.
Ujarnya lagi, kaedah rawatan homeopati berfungsi dengan membuang racun-racun toksik dalam tubuh serta memulihkan fungsi organ seperti buah pinggang, hati dan jantung supaya kembali normal selepas lama terdedah kepada asap kenderaan, rokok dan pengambilan makanan yang tidak sihat.
Katanya, semua ini secara tidak langsung meningkatkan sistem pertahanan tubuh bagi melawan penyakit.
"Homeopati merawat pesakit yang mengalami penyakit yang paling ringan seperti demam dan juga yang paling kronik seperti penyakit ketumbuhan dalam otak dan kanser rahim.
"Saya berpengalaman merawat penyakit batu hempedu dan buah pinggang hanya dengan pembedahan kecil tanpa menggunakan laser. Proses rawatan itu hanya mengambil masa tidak sampai 24 jam," katanya.

RAWATAN homeopati banyak menggunakan ubat-ubatan berasaskan herba.

Katanya lagi, harga ubat-ubatan homeopati juga tidak semahal mana iaitu di antara RM30 hingga RM50 Seminggu ubat dan boleh diambil sehingga dua bulan.
"Namun, pengalaman yang tidak dapat saya lupakan ialah semasa membantu merawat seorang pesakit wanita yang menderita kanser serviks yang dikatakan tidak dapat disembuhkan.
"Syukur dia pulih semula selepas rawatan selama tiga bulan dan hidup sampai sekarang. Namun, semua ini adalah ketentuan Allah, bukan saya," ujarnya.

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